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HRE: 10 invaders were killed in Mare and Azaz

July 24th, 2024|International|

The Afrin Liberation Forces (HRE) continue their actions against occupation forces in North-East Syria. The Afrin Liberation Forces (HRE) reported that at least 10 invaders were killed in two separate raids against the gangs of the occupying Turkish state in Marê and Azaz. In a written statement on Wednesday, HRE stated that the raids were carried out on 19 and [...]

Turkish army bombs a village in Duhok, starting a fire

July 24th, 2024|International|

The Turkish state bombed the village of Kanî in the Amêdiyê, in the district of Duhok in South Kurdistan. A fire broke out after the bombing . According to ROJNEWS news, warplanes belonging to the Turkish state bombed the village of Kanî in Amêdiyê, in the province of Duhok. It was reported that a large fire broke out in the [...]

Turkish army launches new operation in Duhok

July 24th, 2024|International|

The Turkish army, supported by the KDP, launched a new operation in Dêrelok, in Duhok.   The Turkish army launched a new operation against the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrillas in Dêrelok, in Duhok, under the supervision of the KDP, at around 2 pm on Tuesday. The images received by Rojnews confirmed the information that the Turkish state launched an operation with [...]

French Senator applies to Turkish Ministry of Justice to meet with Öcalan in İmralı

July 23rd, 2024|International|

French Senator Pascal Savoldelli applied to the Turkish Ministry of Justice for a meeting with Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan who is held in absolute isolation in İmralı Island Prison.   According to the Mesopotamia News Agency, Pascal Savoldelli, Senator for the French Communist Party, wrote a letter to the Turkish Ministry of Justice to meet with Kurdish People's Leader [...]

Senior ISIS official captured in Raqqa

July 23rd, 2024|International|

SDF reaffirms their commitment to pursuing ISIS remnants, dismantling their cells, and drying out their resources. As part of the ongoing security operations against ISIS remnants and cells, the SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) “Military and Security Operations Center” conducted, yesterday July 22, an anti-ISIS operation in Raqqa. The operation targeted a senior ISIS official named Hazim Suleiman al-Jabn aka Abu [...]

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