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Duran Kalkan: PKK has become the history, identity and lifestyle of a people

November 24th, 2024|International|

Duran Kalkan said that "the new PKK is conducting a revolution of truth." In this interview, Duran Kalkan, member of the KCK Executive Council, spoke about the importance of the PKK on the occasion of the 46th anniversary of its founding. Kalkan talked about how the ability to change has enabled the PKK to continue to strengthen itself over the decades [...]

MLKP / FESK guerrillas on Medya Defense Zones fronts

November 24th, 2024|International|

MLKP / FESK guerrillas in Medya Defense Zones announced their participation in the resistance to defend the lands of Southern Kurdistan, where the colonialist Turkish state continues its invasion attacks. The Marxist Leninist Communist Party/Armed Forces of the Poor and Oppressed (MLKP/FESK) guerrillas announced their participation in the defence of Southern Kurdistan, where the attacks of the colonial fascist Turkish [...]

YPJ Central Headquarters for Women’s Protection inaugurated in Heseke

November 23rd, 2024|International|

“As we approach November 25th, women need the knowledge of women’s science and defense more than ever. Without knowledge, struggle, and protection, we cannot safeguard our existence,” said YPJ General Commander, Rûhalat Afrin. The Central Headquarters for Women’s Protection was inaugurated with a grand military ceremony attended by the mothers and families of martyrs, leaders of the Syrian Democratic Forces, [...]

Five Turkish-backed mercenaries killed during foiled infiltration attempt in Tal Abyad countryside

November 21st, 2024|Χωρίς κατηγορία|

The Turkish occupation and its mercenaries continue to target the areas of north and eastern Syria with various heavy weapons, aiming to instill fear and terror among the population, forcing them into displacement. On Monday evening, the Turkish occupation-backed mercenaries attempted to infiltrate the village of Abdoka in the western countryside of the occupied city of Tal Abyad. The vigilance and [...]

Police raid the Kurdish Community Centre in Bremen

November 21st, 2024|Χωρίς κατηγορία|

German police raided the Bremen Kurdish Community Centre in the morning and confiscated digital materials.   The Democratic Kurdish Community Centre in Bremen was raided by the German police in the morning. During the searches, police seized many books and digital materials. The police also cited a warrant for the arrest of some people. This is the second time the [...]

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