Roj News Agency reported that Turkish occupation jets bombed the Bradost area in Başur (Southern Kurdistan).
Roj News Agency quoted its correspondent in the Bradost area of Başur as saying: “Yesterday evening, Turkish occupation planes bombed the Keroy Sankan area of Bradost for two hours in a row.”

Sources reported to the agency earlier that the Kurdistan Democratic Party is in the process of carrying out a filthy game in cooperation with the Turkish occupation state, with the aim of occupying the lands of Başûr and dividing the country, with the aim of evacuating some areas that do not fall under their control and then launching attacks on Guerilla forces dressed in Iraqi border guards, as these movements are expected to begin at any moment.

The plan prepared between the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the occupying Turkish forces includes controlling the areas of Bradost, which are: “Jabal Pola, Hayat Hill, Koroya Sinjan, Barbizin, and the Shamash and Suninah Hills.”

Sulaymaniyah’s Arbat Agricultural Airport was bombed by a Turkish occupation drone last Monday afternoon, and three members of the anti-terrorism forces were martyred in the attack in Başur (southern Kurdistan), while three were injured.

Last Thursday, the member of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Mahmoud Khoshnaw, told Roj News Agency about a Turkish plan to expand in Iraq through Nineveh, Kirkuk, and Diyala to Baghdad, while calling on the federal government to take a courageous stance to stop this Turkish expansion and not be satisfied with media statements.