Demonstrators in several European cities have united in their call for an end to Turkish aggression and to draw attention to the plight of the Kurdish population in North and East Syria.


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Demonstrations erupted across Europe on Saturday to condemn the Turkish government’s recent military action in Kurdish-held northern Syria.

People in Kiel, Freiburg, Munich, Lausanne and Zurich took to the streets to denounce what they see as a lack of global attention to the alleged war crimes committed by the government of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan against civilians in North and East Syria, also known as Rojava.

Kiel: Calls for closure of airspace over Rojava

A rally against the attacks began in Kiel’s Europaplatz with a minute’s silence for the lives lost. Activists called passionately for the closure of airspace over North and East Syria, stressing the need for international intervention.

Freiburg: Defiance against ‘Erdoğan’s tactics’

Activists in the Old Synagogue Square in Freiburg accused Erdoğan of trying to divert attention from the Turkish army’s significant losses in northern Iraq by attacking Syrian Kurdish areas.

Munich: Campaigning for international pressure

Activists in Munich’s Rindermarkt alerted the public to Turkey’s alleged war crimes in northern Syria and called on the international community to put pressure on the Turkish state to stop the ongoing attacks.

Lausanne: Political support for Kurdish community

A number of Swiss politicians joined a protest rally organised by the Kurdish community on the Place St-Laurent in Lausanne. The rally was held to express solidarity with the Kurdish people. The gathering focused accusations against Turkey of involvement in war crimes.

Zurich: Murdered politician honoured with a minute’s silence

A coalition of European Kurdish groups, including the Democratic Kurdish Community of Switzerland (CDK-S), the Swiss Kurdish Women’s Union (YJK-S) and the Rojava Committees, organised a demonstration in Zurich. Participants observed a minute’s silence in memory of Firyal Silêman Xalid, a Kurdish politician and activist from Hasakah (Hesekê), Rojava, who was assassinated in Kirkuk (Kerkûk) on 18 January.