The Republic of Kurdistan reminds of the importance of national unity
The Republic of Kurdistan reminds of the importance of national unity
- Date: January 24, 2021
- Categories:Announcements

- Date: January 24, 2021
- Categories:Announcements
The Republic of Kurdistan reminds of the importance of national unity
"The Republic of Kurdistan, which became a hope for the Kurdish people in a short period of 11 months, today reminds us once again of the importance of national unity," said the DBP on the occasion of the foundation anniversary of the Kurdistan Republic.
The Democratic Regions Party (DBP) said “the Republic of Kurdistan once again reminds us of the importance of national unity among Kurds”, in a statement made on the occasion of the foundation anniversary of the Mahabad-based Kurdistan Republic.
The DBP said, "While we are welcoming the 75th anniversary of the foundation of the Republic of Kurdistan, which was founded on 22 January 1946 by Qazi Mohammad, we respectfully commemorate those who paid a price on this path."
DBP said that the Republic of Kurdistan, which was declared in Chahar Cheragh (Kurdish Çar Çira) Square, was the hope and source of pride for the Kurds scattered in four parts at that time.
“The republic, which included 7 provinces together with its capital Mahabad and had its own flag and anthem, broke grounds in many ways with its establishment. It formed a parliament, started education in Kurdish, two daily newspapers, two monthly magazines and women's monthly magazines started to be published, and the Institute of Kurdish People's Poets was established. In a short time, it made much progress with regard to Kurdish culture and history.”
Recalling that the Kurdish republic was destroyed as a result of the UN intervention, withdrawal of the Soviets from the region and the attacks of the Iranian state, DBP concluded: “Having been captured, Qazi Mohammad and rulers were executed in Chahar Cheragh Square. The Republic of Kurdistan, founded on January 22, 1946, collapsed on December 17, 1946, following the occupation of Iran. The Republic of Kurdistan, which became a hope for the Kurdish people in a short period of 11 months, today reminds us once again of the importance of national unity. While welcoming the 75th establishment anniversary of the Republic of Kurdistan, which is a proof that the Kurdish people can achieve their rights through national unity and cooperation of the four parts with the motto 'Time to Realise National Unity and Freedom', we commemorate with respect and gratitude those who sacrificed their life for the national unity and the freedom of the Kurdish people."
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