Autonomous Administration: Kobane victory is a legacy for the whole world and humanity
Autonomous Administration: Kobane victory is a legacy for the whole world and humanity
- Date: January 29, 2021
- Categories:Announcements

- Date: January 29, 2021
- Categories:Announcements
Autonomous Administration: Kobane victory is a legacy for the whole world and humanity
The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria called for Turkish occupation to be stopped, saying "The liberation of Afrin, Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî is as important as the liberation of Kobane."
The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria issued a written statement on the occasion of the 6th anniversary of the Kobane victory over ISIS.
The statement includes the following:
"ISIS gangs became a great danger for the whole world and humanity after occupying vast territories in Syria and Iraq and proclaiming the city of Raqqa as capital of its so-called Caliphate.
The resistance mounted against ISIS gangs in northern and eastern Syria was an epic one. The North and East Syrian resistance was a response to the threats ISIS posed against all Syrian and world peoples. The Kobane resistance, which resulted in victory on January 26, 2015, was a turning point in the fight against ISIS. After this date, ISIS started to collapse. The peoples of North and East Syria received strength and enthusiasm from the Kobane resistance until the end of the ISIS caliphate in Baghouz on March 23, 2019.
The people of Kobane introduced the Autonomous Administration Project as a democratic solution on January 27, 2014, and this experience became the infrastructure of the Democratic Syria project.
This history is full of memories. On the occasion of the 6th anniversary of the Kobane victory on January 26, 2015 and the 7th anniversary of the declaration of the Kobane Autonomous Administration, we commemorate the heroism of the Kobane resistance and the sacrifices of our martyrs. Resistance and sacrifices have become the will of the peoples to create a democratic and free life. In the fight against ISIS terrorism, it became the basis for the realization of the North and East Syrian Autonomous Administration project.
Kobane victory is a legacy for the whole world and humanity as well as a vital gain that contributed to weaken Turkey and impeded its project of occupation and extension that was based on supporting ISIS. It went down in the culture of global revolutionary resistance as a heroic epic.
The will revealed by the Kobane resistance has become a hope in defeating ISIS. It was instrumental for the US forces fighting against ISIS in Kobane. As a result of the struggle and sacrifices, October 1 was declared as World Kobane Day.
As the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, we emphasize once again that the support provided by the invading Turkish state to the gangs revives ISIS and other terrorist organizations in the region. This situation is a threat to the peoples of the world and harms our achievements in the fight against ISIS. Anyone who wishes to eliminate these threats must stop the crimes committed by the invading Turkish state and its gangs after the occupation of Afrin, Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî.
Liberation of Afrin, Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî is as important as the liberation of Kobane.
We call out to all the peoples of the region that Afrin, Kobane and all North and East Syria must adopt the line of resistance as a basis. This line of resistance is the guarantee of the democratic society of Northern and Eastern Syria and the security of the region.
Finally, we greet all the martyrs of the revolution.”
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