“Turkey is deliberately targeting the democratic fabric of our society through its relentless assaults on North and East Syria, with the ultimate aim of re-establishing the Treaty of Lausanne,” said Ehmed Xoce, a member of the General Assembly of the Democratic Union Party (PYD). Expressing disappointment in the silence of international powers, Xoce suggested that their inaction implied tacit approval.

Ehmed Xoce, a member of the General Council of Syria’s Democratic Union Party (PYD), criticised the silence of the international powers, suggesting that their inaction implies tacit approval of Turkey’s recent escalation of attacks on various cities in northern Syria.

Xoce commented on the recent attacks carried out by Turkish forces on several cities in northern Syria, including Jarabulus (Cerablûs), Al-Bab (Bab), Azaz (Ezaz), Afrin (Efrîn), Ras al-Ayn (Serêkaniyê) and Tel Abyad (Girê Spî) in an interview with Mezopotamya Agency (MA) on Sunday. He pointed out that Turkey has been conducting these attacks in violation of agreements with the US and Russia, deploying Unmanned Armed Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in recent years.

“Since the May elections in Turkey and Kurdistan, the scope of these attacks has expanded further. The silence of the International Coalition [against ISIS] and other forces active in Syria in the face of these assaults indicates the existence of undisclosed agreements,” said Xoce.

The most recent series of attacks occurred on 20 June along the Al-Malikiyah (Tirbespiyê) – Qamishli (Qamişlo) road in North and East Syria, coinciding with the 20th Astana meeting attended by foreign ministers from Turkey, Russia, Iran and Syria. Yusra Derwêş, co-chair of the Qamishli Canton Council, her deputy Liman Şiwêş, and their driver Fırat Tûma lost their lives in the attack, while the council’s co-chair Gabî Şemûn sustained injuries.

Notably, on the same day, Masrour Barzani, the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government, travelled to Ankara and held a meeting with Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan of the Justice and Development Party (AKP).

“The declaration of the Autonomous Administration [of North and East Syria] in 2014 led to an escalation in the frequency of attacks. … The ultimate objective is to rewrite the century-old Treaty of Lausanne and suppress the will of the Kurds for a further century,” said Xoce.

Xoce further highlighted the increased intensity of the attacks following the Autonomous Administration’s recent announcement that they would prosecute over 10,000 ISIS members currently held in prisons. “While the attacks had temporarily subsided after the [first round of the] elections in May, they resumed and have been continuing unabated since Erdoğan’s victory. Recently, the attacks even targeted high-ranking members of the Autonomous Administration, at the same time as the Astana meeting was taking place. This demonstrates that the fascist Turkish state, under Erdoğan’s rule, harbours zero tolerance for the free coexistence of different peoples.”

Expressing disappointment at the silence of the international powers, Xoce remarked, “These attacks are occurring right before their eyes, yet they choose to turn a blind eye and remain silent. Their inaction implies tacit approval.”