On Sunday, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced that they had conducted eight recent military operations, specifically targeting Turkish bases across various locations in northern Syria. These strikes resulted in the casualties of 17 Turkish-backed mercenaries and two Turkish soldiers.

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) said on Sunday that they had recently carried out eight military strikes targeting Turkish bases in several locations in northern Syria, resulting in the deaths of 17 Turkish-backed mercenaries and two Turkish soldiers.

Underlining its right to a legitimate response to Turkey’s intensified attacks on Kurdish-led autonomous regions in northern Syria, the SDF detailed the operations, which took place between 15 and 17 January.

The attacks by Kurdish forces on Turkish bases in Syria come amid heightened tensions in the already volatile region. The Kurdish areas of Syria and Iraq have become a hotbed of heightened tensions as Turkey has stepped up its military operations. Recent months have seen a significant escalation in the Turkish military’s targeting of Kurdish groups in northern Iraq and North and East Syria.

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The SDF have stressed their commitment to protecting their homeland from what they see as unjustified attacks.

The Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (DAANES) recently called on the public and its institutions to act in self-defence in response to Turkish military incursions into the region.