ISIS executed eight Syrian soldiers in the Deir ez-Zor region and six other soldiers in the countryside of Homs.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that ISIS cells continue their executions of soldiers, the majority of whom are from the regime troops, in various areas in the Syrian desert as part of the dangerous escalation of the cells during the recent period.

According to SOHR, ISIS cells executed eight members of the 11th Division of the regime forces, including an officer with the rank of “Captain”. The mass execution occurred after contact with the Syrian soldiers was lost in the Kabajib area on March 26 while they were heading from Al-Sukhnah to Deir ez-Zor.

On the other hand, ISIS executed six members of the 4th Division, including an officer with the rank of lieutenant. The Syrian soldiers were killed after being captured on the Palmyra-Al-Sukhnah road in Homs countryside on March 27, following an ambush by ISIS. The bodies of the slain soldiers were found at different times and locations within the same area.

According to SOHR statistics, the number of fatalities in military operations in the Syrian desert since early 2024 has increased to 273. These include 37 civilians who were killed in attacks by ISIS in the Syrian desert. On the other hand, 24 ISIS members were killed by regime forces and their proxy militias during the same period of time.


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