Signature campaign in Kobanê to expel invading Turkey from Syrian territory

Signature campaign in Kobanê to expel invading Turkey from Syrian territory

Εκστρατεία υπογραφών στο Κομπάνι για αποβολή της Τουρκίας από το έδαφος της Συρίας

Signature campaign in Kobanê to expel invading Turkey from Syrian territory

The signature campaign launched by the Euphrates Martyrs' Families Assembly to expel the invading Turkish state from Syrian territory continues.

The Euphrates Martyrs' Families Assembly launched a petition on January 20 with the slogan "No to the Turkish invasion in Syrian territory, let Erdoğan be judged".

While stands were opened in all districts and villages of the Kobanê canton to collect signatures, the campaign was met with great interest by the public.

The Martyrs' Families Council formed groups in all districts and towns in the Euphrates region to include the people in villages and remote areas in the campaign.

Speaking to ANHA on the subject, Arif Bali, member of the Euphrates Region Martyrs' Families Assembly, said: “We launched a petition on January 20, because the attacks of the invading Turkish state against Afrin canton started on that date. With this campaign, we want to show the world that the people of Northern and Eastern Syria do not accept the invaders.”

Bali stated that they will present the signatures they collected to the UN demanding to put an end to the crimes of the Turkish state in the regions it occupies and the policies of changing the demographic structure by imposing immigration on the people of the region.

Noting that they have collected 21,000 signatures Bali stated that the campaign continues with the participation of the people and civil organizations.


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