SDF said they will persistently pursue ISIS terrorist cells to maintain security and stability in the regions of North-East Syria in close partnership with the International Coalition forces.

On December 14, the Anti-Terrorism Units (YAT) of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) conducted a precise security operation in Raqqa city in cooperation with the International Coalition forces.

According to the SDF Media Centre, the operation targeted one of the ISIS terrorists named Abdulbasit al-Hajji, who was responsible for planning the terrorist attacks that targeted our forces and civilians.

“Supported by air surveillance from the International Coalition Forces, our forces successfully raided the house where the terrorist was hiding and apprehended him. Several smartphones and personal documents were confiscated during the operation,” said the SDF.

The statement added: “Our SDF forces, in close partnership with the International Coalition forces, will persistently pursue ISIS terrorist cells to maintain security and stability in the regions of North-East Syria.”


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