The 25-day-long march from Paris to Strasbourg for the freedom of Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan reached Sarcelles, 15 kilometres north of Paris, on its 17th day.

The 25-day Freedom March from Paris to Strasbourg with 25 people representing the 25-year captivity of Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan on the basis of the “Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, Solution to the Kurdish Question” campaign is on its 17th day.

Demonstrators marched today between the suburbs of Garges les Gonesses and Sarcelles in the capital Paris, chanting slogans demanding freedom for Abdullah Öcalan and justice for the Kurds.

During the march, the activists distributed leaflets to inform the people in the neighbourhood and chatted with them at the same time.

In the announcements made through loudspeakers, the torture of Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan in Imrali isolation was exposed.

The demonstration ended at the Democratic Kurdish Community Centre in Sarcelles.

The Freedom Marchers will hold a meeting with the Chaldean community, an ancient community who lived in regions such as Botan, Mardin, Hakkari and Til Temir and settled in Europe due to the massacres and discriminatory policies of the states against beliefs.

Tomorrow’s stage of the long march will take place in Amiens.


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