HPG and YJA Star guerrillas spoke about the war in 2023 and said that the Turkish state attacked the Medya Defense Areas using all its power, but “could not advance a single step.”

HPG and YJA Star guerrillas spoke about the war in 2023 and said that the Turkish state attacked the Medya Defense Zones using all its power, but “could not advance even a single step.”

Kurdistan freedom fighters put up a relentless resistance against the occupation of the Turkish state in 2023. HPG and YJA-Star guerrillas talked about the struggle in 2023 and their goals for the coming period.

HPG Guerrilla Azad Dêrik: The resistance carried out in 2023, especially that carried out by the Leader Apo[Abdullah Öcalan] in Imralı, is an unprecedented resistance. Today, we are waging war in Zap, Avaşîn and Metina with the spirit of resistance of our Leader. No matter how much the fascist Turkish state wants to continue its occupation, it has not been able to achieve its goal so far. Our comrades are fighting with great will in every field. The Turkish state, relying on its technical power, is in a helpless situation against the resistance of the guerrilla. The guerrillas are waging a war of honor with the power they received from Leader Apo.

Our resistance will continue, and we will never stop until we ensure Leader Apo’s physical freedom. Because our freedom and the freedom of the people is only possible with the freedom of Leader Apo. Today, people from every nation are demanding Leader Apo’s freedom. The resistance that has grown in the mountains of Kurdistan in 2023 has not been seen anywhere else in the world. In 2024, we will raise the fight even higher and take revenge for our martyrs.

YJA Star Guerrilla Zeyneb Newal: 2023 was a difficult year in every aspect, because the enemy was attacking guerrilla areas from all sides, but our comrades showed historical resistance.

The enemy wants to destroy the guerrillas using chemical weapons. But today, freedom fighters are making history with their will in the mountains of Kurdistan. On the basis of Leader Apo’s philosophy, we will continue our resistance in 2024 and ensure his physical freedom.

HPG Guerrilla Zinar Tori: We left behind a year full of resistance and struggle. The war waged in Media Defense Areas is a war of existence and non-existence. Because the occupying Turkish state is attacking our areas using all its power. But it can’t succeed against the will of the guerrillas and cannot progress as it wishes. They cannot advance a single step.”


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