Hemdan El Ebid: Russia remains silent on Turkey for its interests

Hemdan El Ebid: Russia remains silent on Turkey for its interests

Χέμνταν Αλ Άμπιντ: Η Ρωσία παραμένει σιωπηλή για την Τουρκία για ίδιον όφελος

Hemdan El Ebid: Russia remains silent on Turkey for its interests

Criticizing Russia's silence regarding the violation of the ceasefire declared in Northern and Eastern Syria, Hemdan Al Ebid said, "Russia remains silent on the Turkish state for self-interest.”

The invading Turkish army and gangs are attacking Ain Issa on a daily basis. Meanwhile, Russia is content with watching the attacks of the gangs that seek to take over the M4 international highway. Making evaluations on the subject, Hemdan El Ebid, Co-Chair of the Executive Council of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, pointed out that Russia remained silent on the Turkish state for its own benefit.

SDF complies with the ceasefire, while Turkey violates the agreement

The Turkish state violated the ceasefire agreement mediated by the USA and Russia in Northern and Eastern Syria, recalled Ebid, who stated that the SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) complied with the agreement. “The Turkish state is carrying out these attacks to find a way out out of its own troubles and to change its agenda of withdrawal from the observation points in Aleppo. One of the main aims of the attacks is to change the demography of the region", added Ebid.

Russia approves of the attacks

Ebid criticized Russia’s attitude in the face of the increasingly ongoing attacks, saying, "Pretending to be a guarantor state of the cease-fire, Russia has common interests with Turkey. Russia wants to distance the Turkish state from NATO. What happened in Karabakh should be evaluated on this basis. Since it has an interest, it remains silent on the attacks of the Turkish state. Attacks are being carried out on a daily basis on us in front of the Russian forces and they just watch it. The green light has been given by Russia for the Turkish state to attack our region. Turkey could not attack without the permission of Russia anyway."


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