The guerrillas marked the 45th anniversary of the founding of the PKK with a military ceremony in the Medya Defense Areas. Guerrilla commander Gulçîn Umut said: “We believe in a free, egalitarian and democratic future.”

Despite constant air strikes, the guerrillas marked the 45th anniversary of the founding of the PKK with an open-air ceremony in the Medya Defense Areas.

The PKK was born in difficult times

Under the flags of the PKK, HPG and YJA Star, a large group of fighters and commanders gathered for a military ceremony. Gulçîn Umut, one of the commanders of the Free Women’s Associations (YJA Star), gave a speech and explained that the moment the PKK lit its spark occurred at a time when Turkish fascism believed it had the will for freedom of the Kurdish people completely destroyed.

But at this point, Abdullah Öcalan and six other people initiated the steps to form the party. Umut stressed that the peoples of the world are now united in this struggle under the paradigm of creating an egalitarian, democratic and free society. “When people say that they do not accept any other life than a free life, this is in line with the paradigm Rêber Apo [Abdullah Öcalan].”

“Convinced of a free, egalitarian and democratic society”

Commander Gulçîn Umut further explained that the PKK, believing in a free future, fights against the attacks by the fascist Turkish state, which is supported by the hegemonic powers: “We believe in a free, egalitarian and democratic society. Today we remind the enemy of this, who repeatedly claims in his special war propaganda that he has destroyed the PKK and that there is not a single person left to resist. The fight will continue in these mountains, even if there is only one person left in Kurdistan and the Middle East whose heart beats for freedom. The resistance against fascism will always continue in these mountains, it will never give in.”

Afterwards, the fighters shouted “Bijî Serok Apo”, “Bê Serok jiyan nabe”, “Jin, Jiyan, Azadî” and “Bijî Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan”, lit a fire, sang and danced Govend.


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