Footage show a qualitative operation by the fighters of the Free Women’s Units – Star, against the Turkish occupation army, which resulted in destroying a position and eliminating 3 of its soldiers, in the Defense Areas of the city of Başûr, Kurdistan.

Today, Gêrilla TV  published video tape of an operation carried out by fighters of the Free Women’s Units – Star against the Turkish occupation army in Defense Areas of Başûr Kurdistan, accompanied by information talking about the targeted location, the stages of the operation, and the results of the operation.

Regarding the scenes, the Media Center of the People’s Defense Forces said in a statement, “On July 30 at 09:40, Free Women’s Units fighters targeted an occupation site in the Resistance Square Side with heavy weapons, resulting in the destruction of the site, an A4 weapon and killing 3 Turkish soldiers.

The scenes show targeting the position of 3 occupation army soldiers with a guided missile.