Liverpool, one of the most prominent cities in the UK, has become a focal point for Kurds campaigning for the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan and a political solution to the Kurdish question. As part of a global initiative, Kurds in Liverpool have organised various events to raise awareness and garner support for their cause.

The streets of Liverpool have become the latest platform for Kurds campaigning for the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan and a political solution to the Kurdish question. Stands were set up in the bustling streets on Thursday, becoming focal points for individuals wishing to join the global movement.

The campaign, which began as a call for Kurds to send postcards with messages of peace from imprisoned Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) leader Öcalan to the people of Liverpool during the New Year celebrations, has evolved into a more explicit demand for Öcalan’s immediate release.

Passers-by in Liverpool have been stopping by the stalls to express their solidarity and to contribute to the campaign by sending postcards addressed to the İmralı Island Prison in Turkey, where Öcalan is currently being held. The initiative aims not only to garner local support, but also to draw attention to the wider international campaign ‘Freedom for Öcalan, A Political Solution to the Kurdish Question’.

Kurds in Liverpool are at the forefront of these events, actively organising and participating in the campaign. The street stalls have become spaces for dialogue, encouraging conversations about the Kurdish question, human rights and the pursuit of a peaceful political solution.