Australian Senator David Shoebridge condemned Turkey’s deliberate targeting of essential facilities and human rights violations in North and East Syria, urging international accountability.

Turkey’s ongoing military assault and human rights violations against Kurdish communities in North and East Syria were strongly condemned by Australian Greens Senator David Shoebridge on Tuesday.

Senator Shoebridge expressed grave concern over reports that essential facilities such as hospitals, schools, power stations, and residential areas are being deliberately targeted. “Reports that civilians and essential facilities and infrastructure are being targeted is profoundly distressing, and I condemn these attacks in the strongest possible terms,” he said.

The Senator also highlighted Turkey’s exploitation of the ongoing conflict between Palestine and Israel to further its own agenda against the Kurdish people. “While the public attention is focused on the former conflict, Turkey’s violations against the Kurdish people are not going unnoticed,” Shoebridge noted.

He called upon the international community to demand accountability for the human rights violations and war crimes committed by Turkey. “The international community must call these attacks out and demand accountability,” he stated.

Shoebridge urged the Australian Government to leverage its alliance with the United States and the Coalition to address this issue urgently. “I call on the Australian Government to use its alliance with the US and the Coalition on the ground, to urge them to use diplomatic ties with Turkey to raise this matter urgently and demand an end to these attacks,” he added.

The Senator concluded his statement by expressing solidarity with the Kurdish people and the Kurdish diaspora in Australia, emphasising that he stands with them “today and every day” during these challenging times.