The attack caused only material damage as nobody was present in the office at the time of the attack.

The Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) office in Altındağ district of Ankara was targeted by an armed attack.

During the attack by unknown assailants last night, a bullet hit the glass of the meeting hall in the party office on the 5th floor of a commercial complex in the neighborhood of Dışkapı.

The attack caused only material damage as nobody was present in the office at the time of the attack.

Police do not allow anyone to approach the building and prevent journalists from taking pictures and videos.

The co-chair of the HDP provincial association, Dilbaz Temel, referred to similar attacks in the past and blamed the AKP/MHP government’s incitement against his party for the attack. The government, he said, singles out the HDP as a target for attack every day with its polarising and exclusionary discourse, and it can be assumed that the perpetrators will not be caught. “However, we know who the masterminds behind it are. It is obvious that the racist discourse against the Kurds and the attempted criminalisation of the HDP incite such attacks. However, all fascist circles should know that the HDP stands for the will of the peoples and no attack can change that,” said the HDP politician.

Temel announced that a criminal complaint would be filed regarding the incident and said: “At this point we want to appeal once again to all opposition circles. If you do not side with the HDP today, your turn will come tomorrow. The bullet fired at us is not only directed against us, but against democracy in Turkey. Those who think that we will be intimidated by this are mistaken. We are not afraid, neither in the past, nor today, nor in the future.”


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