On the third day of the operation launched by the Internal Security Forces of North and East Syria with the support of SDF and YPJ in Hol Camp, 8 ISIS supporters were captured.

The General Command of Internal Security Forces in North and East Syria Region launched on January 27 the third phase of Operation Humanity and Security in the Hol (al-Hol) camp to pursuing ISIS terrorist cells, eliminating their strongholds, and capturing individuals and collaborators involved in terrorist activities, attacks and spreading extremist ideologies, especially among children. The operation is also participated by the Women’s Defense Units (YPJ) and Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), supported by the international coalition against ISIS.

The Internal Security Forces announced on Sunday that 21 ISIS gang members were captured, 4 mines were seized and 2 hidden tunnels were found as a result of the operation in the Muhajîrat section, where foreign jihadists of the ISIS group are held.

As part of the third phase of the operation, searches were carried out in the Muhajîrat section, known as the most dangerous section of the 8-sectioned Hol Camp. Responsible for indoctrinating the children with ISIS ideology are the structures set up in the Muhajîrat sector by ISIS supporters loyal to the line. Here, female jihadists also set up the Hisba force, modelled on the so-called Al-Khansa Brigade (Liwa al-Khansa), the ISIS religious police for women. This force repeatedly commits atrocities against people who do not adhere to the ISIS’ norms of behaviour.

8 ISIS supporters were captured in the operation, during which tunnels where the gangs were hiding were also discovered.

A hand grenade, improvised sharp objects, military uniforms, many coins and tablets belonging to ISIS gangs were also seized during the searches.

The Internal Security Forces of North and East Syria reported that the number of those captured in the last 24 hours reached 29.


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