As a result of the Turkish bombing of the main power station Ain Issa, 7 water stations went out of service. In addition, 19 thousand people in 275 villages and in the district centre do not have access to drinking water.

Having suffered a heavy defeat against the guerrilla forces in the Medya Defence Zones in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, the Turkish state launched a large-scale brutal campaign on 12 January, targeting strategic institutions, water stations, wheat silos, electricity facilities, oil fields and civilian infrastructure in North and East Syria. The occupying Turkish state, which forces people to migrate and change the demographic structure of the region, continues its genocidal attacks. In this context, thousands of citizens were left without water as a result of targeted attacks on the main institutions in Ain Issa district. After the wave of attacks, the Hîşe, Abû Sosê, Eyn Îsa, Zahîre Muxelet and Bexdîk drinking water stations went out of service.

These water stations are connected to Ain Issa power station, which was among the targets of the Turkish attacks. In the wake of the violent attacks, the water stations ended up out of service and thousands of citizens were left without water.

Speaking to ANHA, Sena El Elî, Co-Chair of Ain Issa Water Directorate, pointed out that the drinking water turbines went out of service as a result of the bombing of the main power station in the district. She stated that 19 thousand people living in 275 villages and the district centre could not access drinking water.

Sena El Elî said that citizens are currently obtaining water from underground wells, wells and irrigation channels, which is very costly.

Sena El Elî added that the main power station must be repaired in order to restore water supply in the region.


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