The lawyer of Stêrk TV, one of the Kurdish TV channels that was subjected to a police raid in Denderleeuw, Belgium, stated that it was a “dark raid”.

Speaking at the press briefing in front of Stêrk TV and Medya Haber TV studios, lawyer Fien Schreurs said that these raids are “still dark and an enigma”.
Lawyer Fien Schreurs questioned “why such a raid was carried out in such an ugly manner”.
Stating that they do not yet understand why the attack was carried out, the lawyer said that they will investigate and inform.
Belgian police raided the premises of the Sterk, Roj and Hevron public companies in Denderleeuw, Belgium at around 1:30 am on 23 April.
“The raid against Kurdish TV stations, carried out by the Belgian Federal Police, occurred without prior notification to our lawyers and company officials. In the late hours of the night, when nobody was in the building, police forcibly entered the offices, destroying broadcasting tools and press materials, notably computers. We condemn this unlawful and anti-democratic attack, which targeted our Free Media institutions, representing the voice of the Kurdish people. The timing of the raid, coinciding with Kurdish Journalism Day and the 126th anniversary of the Kurdish media, is particularly significant, marking a continuation of organized attacks against the Kurdish press – particularly since the Turkish police raided the homes of Kurdish journalists in Turkey at the same time,” said the Sterk and Medya News TV employees in a press statement about the police operation against the Kurdish press.
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