SDF: 6 ISIS mercenaries arrested in Hasaka and Deir Ezzor

SDF: 6 ISIS mercenaries arrested in Hasaka and Deir Ezzor

SDF: Έξι μισθοφόροι του ISIS συνελήφθησαν στη Χασάκα και στην Ντέιρ αλ-Ζορ

SDF: 6 ISIS mercenaries arrested in Hasaka and Deir Ezzor

Syrian Democratic Forces, the SDF, announced today the capture of six ISIS mercenaries in two operations carried out in rural Hasaka and that of Deir Ezzor.

According to a statement released by Media and Information Office of the Syrian Democratic Forces, the SDF, their fighters in participation with Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS carried out on April 18th, two joint operations against ISIS mercenaries.

One operation was carried out in the town of Marghada in southern rural Hasaka resulted in the capture of one mercenary and the second one was carried out in the town of Hawaiej in rural Deir Ezzor resulted in the capture of five mercenaries, according to the statement.

It was also noted that weapons in their possession were seized.