The bodies of 39 Yazidis who were killed and buried in mass graves during the genocidal attacks of ISIS in 2014 have been handed over to their families after identification.

At least 85 mass graves have been discovered in Shengal (Sinjar) after the genocidal attacks launched by ISIS on the Yazidi town in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq) in August 2014.

The Baghdad Forensic Medicine Institute announced on June 19 that the identification of 39 more victims in mass graves had been completed.

The remains of the identified victims were taken from Baghdad to Shengal and handed over to families in a ceremony attended by hundreds of people at the Em Shibabîk checkpoint between Tal Afar and Shengal.

The remains of the victims were buried in family cemeteries in Shengal after a ceremony according to the culture and belief of the Yazidi community.


Source: ANF


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