The PKK sent a message of congratulations to the HSM Headquarters Command for the revolutionary operations carried out by the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrillas against the Turkish army”

The PKK Executive Committee issued a message of congratulations to the People’s Defense Center (HSM) Headquarters Command for the revolutionary operations carried out by the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla in Xakurkê, Metîna and Zap.
The message said: “The successful actions carried out by the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla in Xakurkê, Metîna and Zap between 22-24 December inflicted one of the heaviest blows in history on the fascist-genocidal enemy at the end of 2023, just like it happened on the 45th anniversary of our party. These actions, which took place in harsh winter conditions and crushed the fascist hordes, dealt a heavy blow to the occupying-genocidal Turkish Republic and the forces behind it, and gave great morale to our patriotic people and democratic friends, strengthening the hope and belief in victory.”
The message continued: “It has added great strength to the Global Freedom Campaign we have been carrying out with the aim of Leader Apo’s physical freedom and the solution to the Kurdish question. The fact that the colonialist-genocidal system is collapsing has once again shown everyone, friend or foe, the invincible power of the Guerrillas.
We congratulate the historical achievements of all HPG and YJA Star commands and guerrillas who contributed to these actions, commemorate their martyrs with respect and gratitude, and wish for the continuation of such successful actions that create a free future step by step. With this belief, we salute you and all our heroic guerrilla forces resisting bravely in the Medya Defense Areas with the spirit of Apoist comradeship.
Victory will always belong to the self-sacrificing freedom fighters.”
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