In the face of the recent attacks of the AKP/MHP regime, the Executive Committee of the PKK calls on all peoples in Turkey and democratic humanity for total resistance against the AKP/MHP regime.

The AKP/MHP regime’s attacks on the Medya Defence Zones and Rojava, waves of arrests and reprisals against the people of Northern Kurdistan and Turkey have been increasing rapidly since the elections. In a statement on Tuesday, the Executive Committee of the PKK called for total resistance and warned against agents and collaborators, saying: “All our people and their friends, especially the youth and women, should be very attentive and not give agents a chance. We know that the struggle against the murderous attacks of fascism is inseparable from the struggle against betrayal by agents and collaborators. Therefore, it is important and necessary for all patriots and democrats to carry on this struggle effectively everywhere and in every place.”


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