Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar: We will turn darkness into light

Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar: We will turn darkness into light

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Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar: We will turn darkness into light

Οι Pervin Buldan και Mithat Sancar, συμπρόεδροι του Δημοκρατικού Κόμματος των Λαών (HDP), μοιράστηκαν ένα μήνυμα με τα εκατομμύρια ανθρώπων που συμμετείχαν στους εορτασμούς του Νεβρόζ στην Τουρκία. «Όπως ο ήλιος που φωτίζει τους πιο σκοτεινούς διαδρόμους, δείξατε την ελπίδα ότι ο μαύρος χειμώνας σε αυτήν τη χώρα, θα μετατραπεί σε άνοιξη".

Medya News reproduces the full address by the HDP co-chairs – passing on “endless thanks to the millions who gathered for Newroz” – below:

”Dear people, dear party leaders and members: We have celebrated Newroz 2021 with great enthusiasm and determination. With massive participation in the Newroz events, you became a source of hope for everyone who demands change and freedom in this country. By giving the message that ‘We are here in millions’ to the tyrants, you voiced the demands for freedom, peace and democracy. You give us the hope of being involved with such a determined and faithful people. You spread courage all over the country’.

‘When the sun begins to rise, there is no place for the darkness to hide’

”Like the sun illuminating the darkest corridors, you have shown the hope that the black winter – which is aimed at sustaining itself in this country – will turn into the spring. We will turn darkness into light in such a way, despite the endless attacks on our party which range from attempts to permanently shut us down to stripping our MP’s of their status in parliament and despite attempts that range from keeping our elected politicians as hostages in prisons to the ‘destruction operations’ that have targeted our party.

“When the sun begins to rise, there is no place for the darkness to hide. With the Newroz fires burning, you sent the message that we will stand against all oppressive policies and we will erase the darkness.

“We express our gratitude to those who reinforce the belief in the struggle for democracy and freedom with your determination and courage. We thank our members and provincial and district organisation administrators, parliamentarians, local elected party members and organisation committees for their great efforts to organise Newroz. Thank you. Once again, we celebrate Newroz with and for all our peoples. Bijî Newroz (Long live Newroz)”.