On trumped-up charges by the Turkish authorities, Mehmet Dizin, who has lived in Germany since 1980, was detained while on holiday in Italy and is now in extradition custody to Turkey.

The Turkish state uses Interpol as a means to expand its repression globally and to intimidate and persecute unpopular people. This is also proven by the current case of Mehmet Dizin, who has lived and worked in Germany since 1980. During his holiday in Italy, he was detained due to an extradition request from Turkey and is currently under house arrest after 40 days in custody. Although the politician from Karakoçan district of Elazığ has not entered Turkey since 1980, the Turkish state justifies its extradition request by claiming that he participated in “bombings of military bases” and “kidnappings” in Dersim between 1988 and 2019.
In a first court proceeding after 40 days of detention, his release was ordered. However, shortly afterwards, he was informed by email that he would have to appear in court again so that a new decision could be made on Turkey’s extradition request. At the same time, house arrest was ordered. His trial is expected to take place in the next 30-40 days.
Stateless since 1985
The Turkish state’s accusations are completely fabricated. As early as 1985, Dizin’s Turkish passport was confiscated by the consulate because of investigations against him, and a few months later he was officially expatriated along with 124 other people. He was therefore given a passport for stateless persons by the German authorities. Between 1981 and 1993, he worked for a company. During this time, Dizin visited the Turkish consulate several times to take care of official matters for his children and wife. When his wife died in 2012, he also used the services of the consulate without any problems.
In May 2017, Dizin went to the Turkish consulate again to register his new marriage. He was advised to apply for a Turkish identity card. Within a month, he received a Turkish identity card, even though he had already become a German citizen.
First detention in Denmark
On 6 December 2018, Dizin was detained during an identity check while driving a lorry to Denmark as part of his work, and was subsequently released. In the process, he learned that Interpol was looking for him because of an operation in Dersim in 1988. At the time, Dizin was working in a factory.
Turkey constructs new accusations
In the summer of 2023, Dizin went on holiday to Italy with his wife. In the middle of the night, their accommodation was stormed by the police and Dizin was taken into custody. Now he is accused by Turkey of being involved in bombings and kidnappings between 1998 and 2019.
Dizin explained that he was not in Turkey at the time of the incidents and that after his release by Denmark, Turkey confronted Interpol with a new accusation: ‘On 5 April 2019, it was suddenly alleged that I had kidnapped people, planted bombs and carried out attacks with dynamite in Dersim.’ When the Turkish state could not get a result to the letter it had sent to Denmark through Interpol, it obviously turned to Interpol with this new accusation. That’s how I found out about it.”
“Such scandalous practices must come to an end for all Kurds”
Dizin reported that after 40 days in detention, he had been told that the trial would be reopened and that he would be under house arrest. He said, “I don’t know how things will go. My hope is that these unjust and vile lies and such scandalous procedures will come to an end not only for me but for all Kurds.”
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