The Kurdish umbrella organization KON-MED has published an action plan for 2 September.

ANF | KON-MED: “Take to the streets on April 9 to defend Kurdistan”

KON-MED will organize a number of actions in Germany on 2 September to demand freedom for Abdullah Öcalan.

The Kurdish people’s leader, Abdullah Öcalan, has been in total isolation for two and a half years now. There are serious concerns about his health. The Kurdish umbrella organization KON-MED has announced a series of actions in several cities in Germany on 2 September.

In a statement, the organization said: “The Kurdish people have no information about the health, condition and situation of Rêber Apo [Abdullah Öcalan]. This silence and  the total isolation imposed on him have deepened our concerns.”

“Rêber Apo is the creator of the philosophy of freedom”

The statement continued: “Millions of Kurds urgently demand news from Rêber Apo. He is isolated against the will of the Kurdish people. Rêber Apo is not just any person; he is the author of the modern philosophy of freedom and enlightenment. He dedicated his whole life to the freedom of the Kurdish people.”

Call to attend actions

KON-MED demanded that Abdullah Öcalan see his lawyers and his family immediately and called for widespread participation in actions against isolation to be organized on 2 September.

The statement added: “The fact that we have not received any message from Rêber Apo and no information about his state of health and having his life shows that our current activities are inadequate. For this reason, we as KON-MED call on the people of Kurdistan, our friends and all those whose heart beats for the value of freedom, to attend the actions we will organize on 2 September for the freedom of Rêber Apo and to participate in a solution to the Kurdish question.”

The actions announced so far for 2 September are as follows:

Dusseldorf: DGB House, 1 p.m

Berlin: Breitscheidplatz, 4 p.m

Hamburg: Central Station, 3 p.m

Hanover: Ernst-August-Platz, 5 p.m

A central demonstration with participants from France, Switzerland and southern Germany has been announced in Strasbourg. The kick-off is at 10 a.m. from Republic Square (67000 Strasbourg).


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