Meeting of the International Trade Union Network of Solidarity and Struggles in Brazil approved a call for the release of Öcalan.

On 10, 11 and 12 September, the V Meeting of the International Trade Union Network of Solidarity and Struggles was held in the city of São Jose dos Campos, in Brazil. Representatives from all over the world attended the conference, supporting the international campaign for the release of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan and the thousands of Kurdish political prisoners in Turkey.
The meeting approved a statement proposed by the Socialist Revolutionary Movement of Brazil, a member of the Committee for Revolutionary Regrouping (CRIR).
The text of the statement is as follows:
“The political, social and cultural organizations of the Kurdish people have launched a new international campaign for the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan and thousands of Kurdish political prisoners in Turkey. This International Congress of Central Workers and Unions, meeting in Sao Paulo, Brazil, expresses its solidarity with the fight for the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan, a political prisoner of the Turkish State held on the prison island of Imrali for 24 years. At the same time, we join the voices that denounce the confinement conditions to which he is subjected and that were confirmed by the European Court of Human Rights and the reports of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT), which said that “they constitute torture.”
The signatories of the appeal are as follows:
-Organisations syndicales nationales interprofessionnelles:
-Central Sindical e Popular Conlutas (CSP-Conlutas) – Brésil.
-Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT) – Etat espagnol.
-Union syndicale Solidaires (Solidaires) – France.
-Confederazione Unitaria di Base (CUB) – Italie.
-Confédération Générale Autonome des Travailleurs en Algérie (CGATA) – Algérie.
-Ogólnopolski Związek Zawodowy Inicjatywa Pracownicza (OZZ IP) – Pologne.
-Confederación Intersindical (Intersindical) – Etat espagnol.
-Sindacato Intercategoriale Cobas (SI COBAS) – Italie.
-Confédération Nationale de Travailleurs du Sénégal Forces du Changement (CNTS/FC) – Sénégal
-Batay Ouvriye – Haïti.
-Unione Sindacale Italiana (USI) – Italie.
-Confédération Nationale des Travailleurs – Solidarité Ouvrière (CNT SO) – France.
Intersindical Alternativa de Catalunya (IAC) – Catalogne.
-Union Générale des Travailleurs Sahraouis en Saguia El Hamra et Rio de Oro (UGTSARIO) – Sahara occidental.
-Sindicato Autorganizzato Lavorator COBAS (SIAL-COBAS) – Italie.
-General Federation of Independent Unions (GFIU) – Palestine.
-Confederación de la Clase Trabajadora (CCT) – Paraguay.
-Red Solidaria de Trabajadores – Perú.
-Union Syndicale Progressiste des Travailleurs du Niger (USPT) – Niger.
-Unión Nacional para la Defensa de la Clase Trabajadora (UNT) – El Salvador.
-Solidaridad Obrera (SO) – Etat espagnol.
-Independent Workers Union of Great Britain (IWGB) – Grande-Bretagne.
-Centrale Démocratique des Travailleurs de Martinique (CDMT) – Martinique.
-Associazione Diritti Lavoratori Cobas (ADL COBAS) – Italie
-Pakistan Labour Federation (PLF) – Pakistan
-Organisation Démocratique Syndicale des Travailleurs de Centrafrique (ODSTC) – Centrafrique.
-Palestine New Federation of Trade Unions (New Unions) – Palestine.
-Intersindical – Confederació Sindical Catalana (Intersindical-CSC) – Catalogne.
-União Nacional dos Trabalhadores de Cabo Verde – Central Sindical (UNTC-CS) – Cap Verde.
-All Pakistan Federation of United Trade Unions (APFUTU) – Pakistan.
-Organisations syndicales nationales professionnelles:
-Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores del Sistema Agroalimentario (SINALTRAINAL/CUT) – Colombie.
-Syndicat national des travailleurs des services de la santé humaine (SYNTRASEH) – Bénin
-Sindicat dos Trabalhadores da Fiocruz (ASFOC-SN) – Brésil.
-Union Nationale des Normaliens d’Haïti (UNNOH) – Haïti.
-Confederazione Unitaria di Base Scuola Università Ricerca (CUB SUR) – Italie.
-Syndicat des travailleurs du rail – Centrale Démocratique des Travailleurs du Mali (SYTRAIL/CDTM) – Mali.
-Amazones du rail ( Mali).
-Syndicat des Travailleurs des Grands Trains du Sénégal (STGTS) – Sénégal.
-Organisation Démocratique du Rail (ODR) – Maroc.
-Palestinian Postal Service Workers Union (PPSWU) – Palestine.
-Union Syndicale Etudiante (USE) – Belgique.
-Sindicato dos Trabalhadores de Call Center (STCC) – Portugal.
-Sindicato Unitario de Trabajadores Petroleros (Sinutapetrolgas) – Venezuela.
-Alianza de Trabajadores de la Salud y Empleados Publicos – Mexique.
-Syndicat Autonome des Postiers – SYNDIBASI (SAP-SYNDIBASI) – Suisse.
-Federación nacional de trabajadores de la educación (SUTE-Chili) – Chili.
-Plateforme Nationale des organisations professionnelles du secteur public – Côte d’Ivoire.
-Centrale Générale des Services Publics FGTB, Cheminots (CGSP/FGTB Cheminots) – Belgique.
-Botswana Public Employees Union (BOPEU) – Botswana.
-Organisation Démocratique des Cheminots Libres (ODSL) – Maroc.
-Federacao Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Transportes Aéros do Brasil (FNTTA) – Brésil.
-Federação Nacional dos Metroviários (FENAMETRO) – Brésil.
-Namibia Football Players Union (NAFPU) – Namibie.
-Palestinian Electricians’ Trade Union (PETU) – Palestine.
-Missão Publica Organizada – Portugal.
-Syndicat National des Travailleurs du Secteur Industriel du Togo (SYNATSITO) – Togo.
-Sindicato independiente de Trabajadoras del Hogar y los Cuidados (SINTRAHOCU) – Etat espagnol.
-Sindicato dos Trabalhadores do Sector Automóvel (STASA) – Portugal.
-Sindicato Nacional de Motoristas de Matérias Perigosas – Casa Sindical (SNMMP) – Portugal.
-Sindicato de Todos os Profissionais da Educação (STOP) – Portugal.
-سندیکای کارگران شرکت واحد اتوبوسرانی تهران و حومه (واحد)- Syndicat des travailleurs du transport de Téhéran et sa banlieue (Vahed) – Iran.
-Asociación Gremial de Trabajadores del Subterráneo y Premetro, Buenos Aires – Central de Trabajadores de la Argentina de los trabajadores (SUBTE/CTAt) – Argentine.
-Trades Union Congress, Liverpool (TUC Liverpool) – Angleterre.
-Sindicato Único de Trabajadores de Notimex, (SutNotimex) Mexique.
-Eğitim Sen section de Diyarbakır – Kamu Emekçileri Sendikaları Konfederasyon (Eğitim Sen Diyarbakır/KESK) – (Territorio Kurdo en Turquía)
-Centrale Générale des Services Publics FGTB, Ville de Bruxelles (CGSP/FGTB Bruxelles) – Belgique.
-Sindacato Territoriale Autorganizzato, Brescia (ORMA Brescia) – Italie.
-Sindicato Unificado de Trabajadores de la Educación de Buenos Aires, Bahia Blanca (SUTEBA/CTA de los trabajadores Bahia Blanca) – Argentine
-Sindicato del Petróleo y Gas Privado del Chubut/CGT – Argentine.
-UCU University and College Union, University of Liverpool (UCU Liverpool) – Angleterre.
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