Gerîla TV published footage of the action in Girê Amediyê, in which guerrillas killed 3 soldiers on 17 October 2023.

Gerîla TV published footage of the action carried out by the guerrillas in Girê Amediyê. The action resulted in the death of 3 soldiers on 17 October 2023.

In a statement dated 19 October 2023, the HPG Press Center shared the following information about the action in the Şehîd Delîl West Zap region: “On 17 October, at 21:10, the invaders in the Girê Amediyê Resistance Area were targeted and shot by snipers. Three invaders were killed.”

Çalakiya Qada Berxwedanê Ya Girê Amediyê – 17’ê Cotmeha 2023


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