Turkish police detain dozens during anti-war protest in Istanbul kurdishvoice2022-05-23T11:49:13+02:00 [...] Turkish police detain dozens during anti-war protest in Istanbulkurdishvoice2022-05-23T11:49:13+02:00
Swedish MP: ‘It’s Turkey’s ambassador who should be removed’ kurdishvoice2022-05-22T14:34:38+02:00 [...] Swedish MP: ‘It’s Turkey’s ambassador who should be removed’kurdishvoice2022-05-22T14:34:38+02:00
KRI: Five killed in air strike near town east of Kirkuk kurdishvoice2022-05-22T14:00:09+02:00 [...] KRI: Five killed in air strike near town east of Kirkukkurdishvoice2022-05-22T14:00:09+02:00
Swedish government risks losing majority over Turkish demands for NATO bid kurdishvoice2022-05-21T14:47:51+02:00 [...] Swedish government risks losing majority over Turkish demands for NATO bidkurdishvoice2022-05-21T14:47:51+02:00
Berlin: Turkish-German officers provoking Kurdish demonstrations kurdishvoice2022-05-20T19:50:45+02:00 [...] Berlin: Turkish-German officers provoking Kurdish demonstrationskurdishvoice2022-05-20T19:50:45+02:00
Iraqi delegate to UN calls for Turkish troops’ withdrawal kurdishvoice2022-05-20T13:55:42+02:00 [...] Iraqi delegate to UN calls for Turkish troops’ withdrawalkurdishvoice2022-05-20T13:55:42+02:00
Advocacy group protest against state-affiliated femicide kurdishvoice2022-05-19T19:26:30+02:00 [...] Advocacy group protest against state-affiliated femicidekurdishvoice2022-05-19T19:26:30+02:00
Turkey’s price for allowing NATO expansion revealed kurdishvoice2022-05-19T18:52:27+02:00 [...] Turkey’s price for allowing NATO expansion revealedkurdishvoice2022-05-19T18:52:27+02:00
International delegation can’t present file on Turkish use of chemical weapons to OPCW kurdishvoice2022-05-18T20:31:13+02:00 [...] International delegation can’t present file on Turkish use of chemical weapons to OPCWkurdishvoice2022-05-18T20:31:13+02:00
Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria says Turkey wants NATO to serve its interests kurdishvoice2022-05-18T12:24:21+02:00 [...] Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria says Turkey wants NATO to serve its interestskurdishvoice2022-05-18T12:24:21+02:00