SDF carried out 8 operations against ISIS cells in the past two months, killing 4 mercenaries and arresting 12 others.


The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) launched “Operation Security Reinforcement” against ISIS cells late on Sunday night. The area of operation includes areas east of the Euphrates, but primarily the Deir ez-Zor region in eastern Syria.

While the campaign continues, the SDF Press Office provided information to ANHA about the operations carried out by the SDF against ISIS cells in July and August. Accordingly, the Anti-Terrorism Units (YAT) and commandos of the Syrian Democratic Forces, with the participation and cooperation of the International Coalition Forces and the Counter-Terrorism Group (CTG) in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region, have carried out 8 joint security operations from July 19, to August 24, 2023.

Details of some of the SDF operations are as follows:

July 19: SDF Anti-Terrorism Units (YAT), supported by the International Coalition and with active participation by the Counter-Terrorism Group (CTG) in South Kurdistan, conducted a successful security operation against a 3-terrorist ISIS cell in the town of al-Dashisha, al-Shaddadi area. The three terrorists were deeply involved in terrorist activities that aimed at disrupting the security and stability of the Deir ez-Zor region and posing a serious threat to innocent civilians.

The operation resulted in the elimination of two terrorists, and one was successfully apprehended. Additionally, several weapons and ammunition were seized, which included 2 AK-47 rifles, 2 cell phones, 1 pistol, 1 hand grenade, 8 AK-47 magazines, 3 pistol magazines, 1 quiver, 1 rifle.

July 20: SDF carried out an operation against an ISIS cell in the town of Mansoura in Raqqa, arresting 3 mercenaries and confiscating their weapons and communication equipment.

August 4: SDF units backed by commandos targeted an ISIS cell in Al-Izba, north of Deir ez-Zor, arresting a leader of ISIS mercenaries and confiscating a number of documents, 2 electronic communication devices and a Kalashnikov rifle.

August 15: SDF Anti-Terrorism Units (YAT), supported by the International Coalition and with active participation by the Counter-Terrorism Group (CTG) in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region, conducted a security operation in the heart of Raqqa city, targeting the terrorist Ibrahim Al-Ali aka Abu Mujahid, the ISIS official of the Eastern region.

Supported by air surveillance from the International Coalition Forces, the SDF successfully stormed the building where the terrorist was hiding. A clash erupted as he adamantly declined to heed the call for safe surrender, resulting in his neutralization. Various weapons and military equipment were confiscated during the operation, including 1 AK-47 rifle, 7 AK-47 magazines and ammunition, 4 smartphones, 1 laptop, Wi-Fi router and personal IDs.

August 18: The Special Units of the Syrian Democratic Forces conducted a security operation, dismantling an ISIS terrorist cell in al-Ozba town, in the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor. The operation was supported by air surveillance and ground support by the international coalition forces. SDF units successfully apprehended one of the ISIS leaders who was involved in transporting explosive materials, weapons and ammunitions to the ISIS cells in the al-Hol camp and providing ISIS families with forged IDs. He was also linked to other terrorist “Emirs” in the Turkish-occupied Serekaniye (Ras al-Ain).

August 24: SDF arrested an ISIS cell consisting of 3 mercenaries, who were working to collect funds to finance the terrorist operations of the mercenaries in the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor.


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