The documentary “A Bridge to Rojava” by Ekrem Heydo will be shown at the “Kurdistan Days” in Leipzig. The organizers will discuss the importance of an official town twinning with a city in Rojava.

As part of the “Kurdistan Days” in Leipzig, the film A Bridge to Rojava by Ekrem Heydo will be shown on 12 August. The film is about the creation and development of the town twinning association Friedrichshain/Kreuzberg-Dêrik and its projects. But it also shows the everyday life of the people in north and north-east Syria and the ever-present threat posed by the Turkish army and its Islamist auxiliaries.

In order to discuss the possibilities and importance of an official town twinning with a town in Northern and Eastern Syria, the organizers will invite two activists from the town twinning association to comment on the film A Bridge to Rojava and report on their town twinning project. The event will begin at 8pm in the Pögehaus, Hedwigstrasse 20 in Leipzig.


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