PYD stressed that they have nothing but respect and appreciation for the Swedish people and their institutions, which play a prominent role in establishing world peace, and its mediation efforts to resolve the Syrian issue.

The Democratic Union Party (PYD) released a statement about the dialogue between Turkey and Sweden in the ongoing talks about Sweden’s admission to NATO, in which the PYD is also mentioned.

“The name of our party was mentioned in the context of the talks between Turkey and Sweden as a result of the bargaining that has taken place between the two countries regarding Sweden’s admission to NATO and the blackmail by the Turkish state on countries and powers that understand the suffering of the Kurdish people,” said the PYD statement on Friday.

The statement pointed out that the Turkish state is not satisfied with the neutrality of these parties and tries to win all powers, especially NATO, to its side in the war it is waging against the Kurdish presence all over the world.

The PYD stressed that they have nothing but respect and appreciation for the Swedish people and their institutions, which play a prominent role in establishing world peace, and its mediation efforts to resolve the Syrian issue.

“Our party has not practiced any action that harms the interests of Sweden and its people. Rather, we denounce the pressure and the blackmail it is subjected to in order to influence its humanitarian stance in support of democracy in the world,” the PYD stated.


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