A Turkish drone strike on a car in the northern Syrian district of Tirbespiyê has killed Qamishlo Canton Co-Chair Yusra Darwish, her deputy Lîman Şiwêş and driver Firat Tûma.

Turkey bombed the village of Tal Shair (Til Şeîr) ten kilometres northwest of Tirbespiyê in the canton of Qamishlo and simultaneously attacked a car on the road to Beyandor with a drone earlier today. The drone attack killed the co-chair of the self-government in Qamishlo Canton, Yusra Darwish (Yusra Derwêş), her deputy Lîman Şiwêş and the driver, Firat Tûma. Qamishlo Canton Administration Co-chair Gabi Shamoun (Gabî Şemûn) survived the attack with injuries.

In a Twitter post condemning the attack, the women’s association Kongra Star said: “Again, fascist Turkey attacks women who are politically active and at the forefront of democracy and women’s liberation in society. This is the misogynist face of Turkey, which tries to intimidate women who are politically active in the Autonomous Administration in North and East Syria.”

In the autonomous region of northern and eastern Syria, there has been a new military escalation by Turkey for ten days. The Turkish army, supported by its jihadist proxy forces, is attacking residential areas on a daily basis. At least seven civilians and a total of 14 fighters from the HRE, the YPG and the Manbij Military Council have been killed by the latest wave of drone attacks, which also left many injured, including children. On Friday, a hospital in Tel Rifat was shelled and four people were injured, some seriously.


Source: ANF

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