Sister asks where are her brothers after mob boss Sedat Peker exposes murders ordered by state
Sister asks where are her brothers after mob boss Sedat Peker exposes murders ordered by state
- Date: June 1, 2021
- Categories:Rights

- Date: June 1, 2021
- Categories:Rights
Sister asks where are her brothers after mob boss Sedat Peker exposes murders ordered by state
Unsolved murders and disappearences were a common policy of the Turkish state against Kurds in 1990s and now the tell-all YouTube videos of a Turkish mobster boss is shedding light on the state's role in these historic murders.
After a convicted mobster boss Sedat Peker confessed to murders committed on demands of some Turkish state officials during the 1990s, families of the victims urge prosecutors to investigate the murders of their children.
İffet Mutaş has been demanding justice for 30 years for her brothers Mehmet and Ali Tekdağ, Jinha reports.
Mehmet was murdered in the middle of the street as a result of an armed attack on his way to his workplace in Bağlar district Diyarbakır (Amed) on 12th February 1993.
Ali was kidnapped in 1994 and shoved in a “white Toros” car, recalled by the Kurds as a symbol of disappearances in 1990s as the people who were kidnapped in this car was generally driven to an unknown fate and mostly murdered by the contra-guerilla and the gendarmerie intelligence known as JITEM.
According to the testimony of an eyewitnesses, her brother Ali was shot dead with a shot to his head and his body was cremated and buried in a field between Diyarbakır centre and Silvan district.
However, İffet Mutaş could never find out where the bodies were buried, despite all applications. She wants the perpetrators to be brought to justice.
“They tortured my brother. Then they killed him with a rifle, then burned his body and buried him under a field,” she said.
“Whenever I pass the Sîlvan road, I call out to my brother: ‘Ali, Ali lift your head from the ground, your sister has come, you see me, but I cannot see you, you are here but I do not know where you are’ I tell him.”
Those who are actually responsible for the unsolved murders in the 90s, have never been brought to justice in Turkey, she underlined. “Turkey will be charged for these murders. Even if they want these murders to be forgotten, we will never forget, we will continue to demand justice.”
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