The co-chairs of the PYD stated that the struggle continues with the philosophy of Abdullah Öcalan and that the lands occupied by the Turkish state must be liberated for the achievement of a political solution to the Syrian crisis.

The 10th Congress of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) continues in Hesekê city with the participation of 700 delegates.
PYD Co-Chair Salih Muslim congratulated the people of the region and Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan on the occasion of the party’s 10th congress and said, “We have been marching on since 2003. Our freedom march continues. We have faced many difficulties. We have managed to be the pioneer of the people of the region and we still are, and we continue to claim the blood of our martyrs.”
Drawing attention to Abdullah Öcalan’s philosophy, Muslim said, “We have analysed the history of the peoples and learned important lessons from it. We have seen that the enemies of the people take advantage of separatism and use the peoples as a means of opportunity. In this regard, the philosophy of our leader put forward the democratic nation as the basic element of the brotherhood of peoples. This idea, which is a light for all the peoples of the region, stands before us as a solution to all problems.”
Salih Muslim stated that their aim in the conflict process in Syria was to improve the situation of the people in every region and said, “Our aim during the conflict in Syria was to change the situation of the people in every field and make them more comfortable. After 13 years of war, it became clear that our party’s line has been the pioneer of the revolution in Syria. The war in Syria has become the centre of the third world war. Our people have successfully passed this test. Our torch illuminates our path. We promised our leader and our people that all our gains would be for the benefit of our people. As long as we are committed to our leader and martyrs, victory will be our people’s.”
Muslim pointed out that the solution to the conflict in Syria is possible through Democratic Self-Government. Remarking that the basis of their work is the management of the people and social diplomacy, Muslim said, “We have held many meetings for the parties to ensure the unity of the Kurdish parties. We want to build Kurdish unity. Our dialogues continue. We are trying to form a common view of all parties from the beginning to the end.”
Regarding the conflict in Syria, Muslim said, “We are here. They have tried to keep us away from the beginning. Since 2005, until the situation in Syria reached this point, there have been some parties who wanted to keep us away from dialogue. We are still part of the dialogue, trying to implement the solution. Our party will remain a pioneer. Everyone should know that our job is to realise a democratic change in the Middle East.”
Speaking after, PYD Co-Chair Asya Abdullah stated that they held the 10th congress in a sensitive and difficult process, noting that regional and global tensions also affected their regions.
Asya Abdullah saluted the resistance of the defence forces and said, “The YPG and YPJ made great sacrifices. The gains achieved are protected today under the leadership of the SDF.”
Pointing out that the maps put on the tables are not solutions, Asya Abdullah continued: “Projects are being produced at the expense of the people, at the expense of denying their history. Afrin, Girê Spî and Serêkaniyê are under occupation. Now, the opposition has also become a part of it. Our duty is to liberate the occupied territories and ensure a free and dignified life. There can be no solution without the liberation of our lands and the unity of Syrian lands.”
Drawing attention to the torture and genocide system applied against Abdullah Öcalan in İmralı Island Prison where has been held since 1999, Asya Abdullah said, “The isolation has been going on for 3 years. We will develop the struggle for the physical freedom of Leader Abdullah Öcalan and a solution to the Kurdish question in every field.”
Asya Abdullah remarked that national unity is one of the political strategies of the PYD and added: “It is our duty to protect the national line within the framework of a democratic strategy and to protect the rights of the Kurdish people. We are ready to play a leading role in building democracy for the Kurds in Syria and a decentralised Syria. The unity of Kurdish political movements in every field is important. We will continue our struggle to achieve this.”
A cinevision about the activities of the PYD was screened at the congress, which continues with speeches.
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