Voting ended in 32 cities, mostly in North Kurdistan.

Voting ended in 32 cities, mostly in North Kurdistan.

The cities where voting has ended are as follows: Semsûr, Agirî, Artvin, Çewlig, Bedlîs, Amed, Xarpêt, Erzîngan, Erzirom, Dîlok, Giresun, Gümüşhane, Colemêrg, Qers, Meletî, Gurgum, Mêrdîn, Mûş, Ordu, Rize, Sêrt, Sêwaz, Trabzon, Dêrsim, Riha, Wan, Bayburt, Êlih, Şirnex, Erdexan, Îdir and Kilis.

Voting in other cities will continue until 17.00.


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