MLKP / FESK guerrillas in Medya Defense Zones announced their participation in the resistance to defend the lands of Southern Kurdistan, where the colonialist Turkish state continues its invasion attacks.

The Marxist Leninist Communist Party/Armed Forces of the Poor and Oppressed (MLKP/FESK) guerrillas announced their participation in the defence of Southern Kurdistan, where the attacks of the colonial fascist Turkish state continue. Communist guerrillas, who made a statement with the motto “These attacks are against all peoples. Let’s enhance the resistance with a united struggle”, made evaluations about the ongoing attacks of the fascist Turkish state and the developments in the region.
MLKP / FESK guerrilla Ozan Diyar stated that they continue their resistance against the invasion attacks of the colonialist fascist Turkish state.
Diyar continued his words as follows: “Those who approved the invasion of the colonialist fascist Turkish state in Rojava have also approved the invasion of Southern Kurdistan recently. Those who remain silent on the attack of the fascist Turkish state against Haftanin, those who approve the invasion of Southern Kurdistan, are the same people who are trying to strangle our democratic, popular and women’s egalitarian revolution in Rojava. Those who divided and colonized Kurdistan into four parts have united on the same front again to destroy the gains of the Kurdish people who paid a huge price. In this respect, the invasion attack on Haftanin is an attack against Kurdish national unity, freedom, future and all its achievements. It is also an attack against the Kurdish, Syriac, Assyrian, and all people in Southern Kurdistan.”
Emphasizing that they are on the fronts of the historic resistance that continues in Medya Defense Zones, MLKP / FESK guerrilla Ozan Diyar concluded: “We will never allow the colonialist fascist Turkish army to surrender cow peoples into submission. As FESK guerrillas, we take our place in this historic resistance. We are enhancing our will to fight in the trenches against the colonialist, occupying, sexist and fascist Turkish army and its gangs. We will be following the path of our comrade MLKP / KKÖ guerrilla Şevin Söğüt who became immortal during the fight against the invasion in the Zap, and FESK and HBDH guerrillas Sinan Güneş and Koray Aspir, who became immortal while trying to build our united revolution in the Black Sea region. Those who resist will write history today as they did in the past.”
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