Members of US Congress fear Turkey will use F-16s against Greece and Kurds

Members of US Congress fear Turkey will use F-16s against Greece and Kurds

Μέλη του αμερικανικού Κογκρέσου φοβούνται ότι η Τουρκία θα χρησιμοποιήσει F-16 εναντίον της Ελλάδας και των Κούρδων

Members of US Congress fear Turkey will use F-16s against Greece and Kurds

Members of the Hellenic Caucus at the US Congress believe "there are still too many outstanding issues to move forward with the sale of F-16s" to Turkey, and that Joe Biden's administration needs to mitigate concerns that Turkey would use the fighter jets against US allies, including Greece and Syrian Kurds.