The Make Rojava Green Again campaign has released a video condemning Turkey’s environmental destruction in Kurdistan, accusing the state of committing ecocide by burning forests, drying up rivers and causing desertification in one of the world’s most fertile regions. The campaign’s appeal highlights the environmental problems caused by Turkish military activities in Iraqi Kurdistan and North and East Syria.



The environmental campaign Make Rojava Green Again has stepped up its efforts to raise awareness of Turkey’s ongoing destruction of nature in Kurdistan with the release of a new video. Published on their X (formerly Twitter) account, the campaign’s post states: “While we struggle to stop climate change and ecological disaster, the Turkish state is actively destroying ecosystems in one of the most fertile regions on the planet, the Fertile Crescent in the middle of the Middle East. That’s why we must #StopTurkeysEcocide”.

The video highlights the severe environmental devastation caused by Turkish military operations in Kurdistan, which the campaign describes as “Turkey committing ecocide”. It documents the destruction of forests, the drying up of rivers and desertification caused by over 20 dams built by Turkey, which have blocked the natural flow of major water sources such as the Euphrates and Tigris. According to the video, “Turkey is responsible for burning forests, animals and villages, drying up rivers and cutting down millions of trees”. It accuses the Turkish state of plundering the region’s natural resources, with devastating consequences for the environment and local communities.

One of the key regions featured in the video is North and East Syria, where Turkish-backed forces have cut down thousands of olive trees, which the video describes as ‘destroying generations of life’.

The campaign also points to Iraqi Kurdistan, where Turkey’s use of heavy artillery and chemical weapons over the past four years has resulted in the widespread destruction of some of the region’s oldest and largest forests. The Turkish military’s intention, according to the video, is to “drive out Kurdish guerrilla forces and occupy land” while turning these rich ecosystems into “scorched earth and dry desert”.

The video ends with a powerful message: “In the midst of a global ecological crisis, Turkey wants to turn the Fertile Crescent into scorched earth. The planet is not dying, it is being killed. Act now and stop Turkey’s ecocide.”

This urgent appeal comes amid growing global concern about Turkey’s environmental policies in the region. Recent reports have highlighted the growing devastation caused by Turkish military operations in Iraqi Kurdistan and northern and eastern Syria. Turkish air strikes, artillery bombardments and deforestation have led to widespread fires, the destruction of vital infrastructure and the displacement of local populations. Villages have been devastated, with crops, vineyards and orchards destroyed by the ongoing military assault.

The environmental group Fridays for Future recently condemned Turkey for committing ecocide, accusing the government of deliberately destabilising the Fertile Crescent through deforestation and harmful water management. The group’s social media posts highlighted the widespread ecological destruction Turkey has caused in the region and called on the global community to take immediate action using the hashtag #StopTurkeysEcocide.

Make Rojava Green Again has added its voice to this growing call for accountability, urging the world to take action against Turkey’s assault on Kurdistan’s ecosystems.