Kurds and the walls built around them
Kurds and the walls built around them
- Date: April 4, 2022
- Categories:Opinions

- Date: April 4, 2022
- Categories:Opinions
Kurds and the walls built around them
“The games of isolating Kurdistan by converting it to an F-type [prison], crushing the pieces one by one, and destroying all its progress should not be watched any more. The forces of democracy, the people of Kurdistan, should at least prepare themselves for the bloody and dangerous games being played.” writes Zeki Akıl for Yeni Ozgur Politika.
The Turkish state is trying to divide the Kurds from each other by building walls while it tries to imprison the entire population like in an F-type prison. The Syrian border has been covered in mines for many years, as have highly fertile farming areas, and what tragedies took place along the border! Many have lost their lives and limbs in those minefields. Today, a wall is being built on the Syrian border, hundreds of kilometres long, and another on the Iranian border. The Iraqi border, on the other side, is filled with fortresses. All technical tools, including photo traps, are under constant surveillance by UAVs and combat drones. The construction of a wall on the border of Iraq and Rojava is yet another addition to these.
Prisons were built according to the sociology and culture of Turkey. But the situation changed when the prisons were filled with Kurds and political prisoners. Because conscious and organized people do not sleep in prisons submissively, they resisted. They began to change their conditions by reading and educating themselves. Instead of evacuating prisons by changing their laws and paving the way for democracy, the rulers of the state simply increased the number of prisons. They began to build all kinds of prison models. They isolated people by separating them with names such as E-rope, Special Type, F-type, and D-type. All their efforts were to destroy the social fabric of the detainees, isolate them and leave them powerless against the state.
Man is a social being. Years of loneliness and isolation damages his sociability. In this respect, isolation was defined as a crime. The Turkish state has been at war with detainees for years. Diyarbakir Prison, which is notorious throughout the world for its brutality, was deemed worthy for revolutionaries and Kurds. When the torture and violence inside the prison became public, it began to import prison models from Europe. The target, however, remained the same. It was lockdown, isolation, destruction of political and cultural identity, and deterioration of mental health. In the ward system, the detainees preserved their social structure by helping each other and protecting their sense of solidarity. The state aimed to eliminate this humanitarian environment with F-type prisons.
The Turkish state uses prisoners like guinea pigs. Combining lessons learned from their experiments with experiences in the world, they are now trying to get all the Kurdish people into the F-type system. This action has gone beyond the borders of Iran, Iraq, and Syria. As we are witnessing from the press, the Iraqi government is building concrete walls to separate Shengal from Rojava. If we look closely, the borders and the regions where the walls are built are all areas where the Kurdish people live. It was not enough for them to divide Kurdistan and draw borders between it; in the 21st century, high walls had to be added.
In this regard, it is necessary to first seriously criticize the intellectuals and the revolutionary and democratic circles of Kurdistan. While the Kurdish people are being isolated from each other by walls, all the happenings are watched with great silence as if it was normal. However, they should have shown a greater reaction and conducted research on these issues and persuaded the public, both foreign and domestic, to pay attention to the dangerous games being played. These walls are made deliberately. They have a high cost. This means that there are plans for genocide and annihilation of the Kurds. By isolating the parts from each other, calculations are being made to crush them one by one.
The Berlin wall has been known as the wall of shame for many years, and much about it has been written and illustrated. While Israel was building a wall between itself and the Palestinians, it was criticized and discussed much in Turkey. Even the wall that Trump wanted to build on the Mexican border has been on the agenda. But when it comes to the Kurds and Kurdistan, everyone is silent! Turkey’s ruling and opposition powers are planning, implementing, and approving all the evils against the Kurds. They are touting these walls as if they were a work of civilization with glory and fame. Iraq has such serious problems, not least of them a major economic crisis. It has no problem with Yazidis and Kurds, so why does it start building a wall between Shengal and Rojava? This border region is not the route used by ISIS. It is clear that this plan belongs mainly to Turkey, and Turkish fascism includes the KDP. They make decisions by imposing them on the Iraqi administration. The USA is undoubtedly also behind this plan. Without the USA, Iraq would not be able to accept this so quickly. Instead of recognizing the Kurdish existence and solving it through democratic means, they approve and become partners with the Turkish state’s genocidal policies.
The games of isolating Kurdistan by converting it to an F-type [prison], crushing them piece by piece, and destroying all their progress should not be watched anymore. The forces of democracy, the people of Kurdistan, should at least prepare themselves for the bloody and dangerous games being played.
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