Four Turkish soldiers were killed in Zap by the HPG guerrillas, who also reported massive air raids on mountainous regions in South Kurdistan.

On the western front of the Zap region, three Turkish soldiers were killed by the Kurdish guerrillas on Sunday evening. The Press Office of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) said in a report on the current war in South Kurdistan that the soldiers were hit when a mobile guerrilla unit managed to attack a group of Turkish soldiers. The incident took place not far from the bridge to the village of Kevnê Mijê. Another four soldiers were injured.
In response to the action, Turkish fighter planes attacked the area in two waves that night before Sikorsky helicopters landed in Sergelê for evacuation flights. After the dead and injured soldiers were transported away, further attacks took place in the morning – this time on the ground and by both the Turkish army and Peshmerga units of the KDP (Kurdistan Democratic Party). The HPG did not comment on the extent of these attacks.
Another soldier was shot dead by an HPG sniper in Girê Bahar on Monday morning when Turkish troops tried to set up new positions in the area surrounding the massif.
In Girê Amêdî, the guerrillas also prevented activities by soldiers on Sunday night and in the two days before that aimed at expanding the Turkish forces’ military infrastructure.
In nearby Girê Cûdî, fighters from the Free Women’s Units (YJA Star) destroyed a camera surveillance system installed in the resistance area on Saturday. Also on Sunday, the women’s guerrillas struck in Metîna and stopped an attempted advance by enemy troops on Serê Metîna. Machine guns were used, but it is unclear whether the Turkish soldiers were killed or injured.
In Xakurke, a combat helicopter was targeted by the guerrillas on Sunday night. The aircraft had to turn around and leave the area as a result of intensive shelling.
Attacks by the Turkish army
With regard to the attacks by the Turkish army on South Kurdistan, the HPG’s report said that the tunnel systems in Girê FM and Girê Cûdî were bombed at least 14 times with banned weapons between 6 and 8 September, and in two other cases explosive drones were used.
In the same period, the HPG also recorded at least 43 air strikes with combat aircraft and a further 22 attacks with combat helicopters. Targets were hit in Xakurke, Gare, Zap, Qendîl and Metîna.
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