YPG International: With the spirit of the resistance of Afrin, against all occupation in Rojava kurdishvoice2022-01-22T15:55:57+02:00 [...] YPG International: With the spirit of the resistance of Afrin, against all occupation in Rojavakurdishvoice2022-01-22T15:55:57+02:00
Syrian Kurds hunt down Islamic State jihadists after prison attack kurdishvoice2022-01-22T13:50:17+02:00 [...] Syrian Kurds hunt down Islamic State jihadists after prison attackkurdishvoice2022-01-22T13:50:17+02:00
AANES: ISIS attempt to free detainees at Haseke prison thwarted by SDF kurdishvoice2022-01-21T16:47:00+02:00 [...] AANES: ISIS attempt to free detainees at Haseke prison thwarted by SDFkurdishvoice2022-01-21T16:47:00+02:00
Demirtaş responds to Turkish president Erdoğan: ‘Let Öcalan speak for himself’ kurdishvoice2022-01-21T11:58:55+02:00 [...] Demirtaş responds to Turkish president Erdoğan: ‘Let Öcalan speak for himself’kurdishvoice2022-01-21T11:58:55+02:00
Historical stone houses in Çelê destroyed kurdishvoice2022-01-20T12:52:41+02:00 [...] Historical stone houses in Çelê destroyedkurdishvoice2022-01-20T12:52:41+02:00
Vigil in front of the UN headquarters leaves one year behind kurdishvoice2022-01-20T12:28:16+02:00 [...] Vigil in front of the UN headquarters leaves one year behindkurdishvoice2022-01-20T12:28:16+02:00
Turkey: Huge budgets for new prisons and state intelligence activities in 2022 kurdishvoice2022-01-19T14:00:07+02:00 [...] Turkey: Huge budgets for new prisons and state intelligence activities in 2022kurdishvoice2022-01-19T14:00:07+02:00
Iran violated its own constitution by imprisoning Kurdish teacher Zara Mohammadi kurdishvoice2022-01-19T12:46:34+02:00 [...] Iran violated its own constitution by imprisoning Kurdish teacher Zara Mohammadikurdishvoice2022-01-19T12:46:34+02:00
Kurdish city under snow welcomes MP back from a Turkish prison kurdishvoice2022-01-18T17:54:02+02:00 [...] Kurdish city under snow welcomes MP back from a Turkish prisonkurdishvoice2022-01-18T17:54:02+02:00
AANES: Chair of US commission says Washington must force Turkey out of invaded areas kurdishvoice2022-01-18T15:49:43+02:00 [...] AANES: Chair of US commission says Washington must force Turkey out of invaded areaskurdishvoice2022-01-18T15:49:43+02:00