Apê Nemir, one of the symbols of the Kobane resistance speaks out: Erdoğan is obsessed with Kobane

Apê Nemir, one of the symbols of the Kobane resistance speaks out: Erdoğan is obsessed with Kobane

  • Date: September 20, 2021
  • Categories:Rights
Ένας από τους ήρωες της αντίστασης του Κομπάνι μιλάει: Ο Ερντογάν έχει εμμονή με το Κομπάνι

Apê Nemir, one of the symbols of the Kobane resistance speaks out: Erdoğan is obsessed with Kobane

Apê Nemir, a symbol of the Kobane resistance against ISIS, says "Erdoğan says 'I will enter Kobane '. Kobane is a problem for him. We'll make it a problem again. I will resist with one hand."