The Tal Tamr Military Council announced the killing of 3 Turkish occupation army soldiers and 7 mercenaries in a series of operations carried out by their forces in the countryside of the Tal Tamr district.

The Tal Tamr Military Council issued a statement published on the official website of the Syrian Democratic Forces regarding a series of operations carried out by their forces against the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries in the countryside of the Tal Tamr district.

that reads:

“The attacks of the Turkish occupation forces and its mercenaries on our regions continue, and they mainly target our civilians.

However, our forces responded to all attacks by the occupation and its mercenaries in September, the results of our forces’ operations against the Turkish occupation forces and their mercenaries were as follows:

On September 4, our forces carried out an operation against mercenaries in the village of “Al-Aziziya” northwest of Tal Tamr, resulting in the killing of 3 mercenaries.

On September 7, our forces targeted the Turkish occupation’s “Manakh” base, north of Tal Tamr, destroying an occupation armored vehicle, killing 3 Turkish occupation soldiers and wounding another.

On September 10, our forces carried out a military operation against the Turkish occupation mercenaries in the village of “Al-Rihaniya”, north of Tal Tamr, resulting in the killing of 2 mercenaries and the wounding of another

On September 10, near the village of “Al-Qasimiya” of Tal Tamr, our forces targeted a mercenary military point, but the results of the operation were not known.

The outcome of our forces’ operations was the killing of 3 Turkish occupation soldiers and 7 mercenaries, in addition to the wounding of one occupation soldier and 3 mercenaries”.
