Arab women call on world’s women to confront fascism of Turkish state
Arab women call on world’s women to confront fascism of Turkish state
- Date: January 5, 2021
- Categories:Rights

- Date: January 5, 2021
- Categories:Rights
Arab women call on world's women to confront fascism of Turkish state
The Turkish state and its mercenaries continue their crimes against the occupied areas of northeast Syria. Sky News reported a few days ago, that the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries sold occupied Afrin women to the State of Qatar, Turkey's ally in supporting proxy groups.
Last year, sources stated to ANHA agency that women in Afrin are sold in the Azaz region adjacent to the occupied Afrin canton. ISIS mercenaries previously sold Yazidi women in Raqqa and Mosul by ISIS in 2014.
The Turkish occupation state systematically targets women, as they are subjected to rape in the areas under Turkish occupation. Two weeks ago in Bakûr, 15-year-old girl was gang raped by 27 individuals affiliated with the Turkish state.
On the political level, the Turkish state robs women's rights, and the activist Leyla Guven's case, is a good evidence to be added to Turkey's black record, regarding freedom of expression, political practice, and Turkish engagement with issues of women's liberation.
The crimes perpetrated against women constantly raise discontent in the ranks of society, especially women.
In this context, women in the Tal Hamis district, affiliated with Qamishlo city denounced the Turkish crimes against women.
"We will escalate our struggle to liberate all oppressed women, and support them," said Nahia Al-Hussein.
Amira Elias considered that the goal of the Turkish occupation among the crimes committed against women in the occupied city of Afrin and other areas occupied by Turkey, is enslaving women.
Aajayeb Al-Mikhlef denounced the Turkish occupation’s crimes against women, and said: “Women in the light of the occupied territories are subjected to murder and rape, and the last of which was Sultan Murad’s killing Arab citizen named Nadera Dermush under the pretext of dealing with the Autonomous Administration. There are still Kurdish women whose fate is unknown, and they are enslaved in Libya, and all these crimes to undermine the women's victories. "
Al-Mikhlif called on all women to support the women's struggle against the Turkish fascist state.
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