“Occupying a country like Iraq or any other country in the region means occupying the entire region and the security of each country is the security of all the peoples of the region,” said 35 political parties and civil society organisations in NE Syria.



35 political parties and civil society organisations in North and East Syria made a joint statement on the incessant attacks of the occupying Turkish state against North and East Syria and southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq).

The statement remarked that the occupying Turkish state continues its hostile policies based on the Misak-ı Milli project [The ‘National Pact’ adopted 104 years ago that takes all Kurdistan, that is, the region including northern Iraq and northern Syria, within the borders of the Turkish state] and Ottoman mentality with its attacks against Kurds, Arabs, Syriacs, Assyrians and other components of Syria and Iraq.

The statement pointed out that the foundations of the occupying Turkish state were laid on the massacres and genocides committed against peoples and communities and continues today with the same chauvinist mentality of massacre, intimidation and persecution. The statement also mentioned the invasion attacks against North and East Syria, the occupation of Afrin, Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî, the policies of forced displacement and changing the demographic structure, and the threats of occupation and annexation against other regions.

The statement said the following about the latest developments in southern Kurdistan: “The Turkish state has launched a major attack in recent days. For this dirty war, it moved hundreds of tanks, thousands of soldiers and gangs from the occupied Syrian regions to the Kurdistan region of Iraq. All this is being done with the cooperation of some Kurdish parties, the coordination of Baghdad and the silence of the Iraqi government.

The Turkish state aims to burn and evacuate villages, towns, forests and gardens in the Kurdistan region of Iraq under the pretext of protecting its national security in order to carry out annihilation attacks against the PKK. Threatening the people there, it wants to turn the region into a military zone. We know very well that all these excuses are lies. We all know that Kurdistan Freedom Guerrillas have assumed important responsibilities against ISIS in Syria and Iraq. They saved the Yazidis from genocide. Since then, the Turkish state has been supporting ISIS and Al-Qaeda.

We, as parties, civil society organisations, academics, politicians, intellectuals, journalists and representatives of peoples and the whole society, condemn the systematic attacks. We call on the Baghdad government and Iraqi national forces to fulfil their humanitarian, moral, legal and sovereign responsibilities against violations and crimes against humanity and the destruction of nature. Put an end to the ongoing violations by the Turkish state. The international community and relevant institutions must take all necessary measures to stop the brutal invasion attacks and protect the sovereignty of Iraq and its peoples.

We express our support to the Iraqi peoples against the aggression of the occupying Turkish state. We call on the Arab League, Arab states, national forces, legal and diplomatic institutions to immediately fulfil their responsibilities in the face of the Turkish occupation and aggression in South Kurdistan and North-East Syria and its intervention in other Arab states. Occupying a country like Iraq or any other country in the region means occupying the entire region and the security of each country is the security of all the peoples of the region.”

The signatories of the statement are as follows:

1-Democratic Union Party (PYD)

2-Democratic Green Party

3- Kurdistan Democratic Peace Party

4- Kurdistan Liberal Party

5- Kurdistan Communist Party

6- Kurdistan-Syria Democratic Party

7- Syrian Kurdish Democratic Party (PDKS)

8- Syrian Kurdish Democratic Left Party

9- Kurdish Left Party in Syria

10- Future of Syria Party

11- Kurdistan Democratic Change Party

12- Contemporary Kurdistan Party

13- Kurdistan Workers’ Union

14- Arab National Council

15- Syrian Contemporary Democratic Party

16- Kurdish Democratic Organisation Party in Syria

17- Reform Party-Syria

18- Syriac Democratic Party

19- Kurdistan Brotherhood Party

20- Kurdish Democratic Day Party in Syria

21- Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM)

22- Kongra Star

23- Conservative Party

24- Free Struggle Party

25- Kurdistan Future Party

26- Kurdistan-Rojavayê Kurdistan Democratic Party

27- Heyet Tensiq El Weteniya- Movement for Democratic Change

28- Syriac Unity Party

29- Kurdistan National Unity Party

30- Syrian Kurdish Democratic Party (Party)

31- Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (Yekiti)

32- Revolutionary Left Wing in Syria

33- Syrian Party

34- Kurdish Democratic Party of Syria

35-Kurdistan National Congress (KNK)


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