Women displaced from Afrin: ‘Erdoğan should not forget that we are not afraid of him’

Women displaced from Afrin: ‘Erdoğan should not forget that we are not afraid of him’

  • Date: December 24, 2021
  • Categories:Rights
Γυναίκες που εκτοπίστηκαν από το Αφρίν: «Ο Ερντογάν να μην ξεχνάει ότι δεν τον φοβόμαστε»

Women displaced from Afrin: ‘Erdoğan should not forget that we are not afraid of him’

Displaced locals from Afrin who live in Veger refugee camp in Shahba have urged the international community to take action to end Turkey's 'occupation' of Afrin.